Longview EPC Staff

Rev. Doug Ashley, Pastor

  • My parents were brand new to faith when my brother and I were growing up, so they took an active role in making Jesus known to us. During that time, I was also gifted with people in my life who shared their journey with God. It wasn’t abstract for them. I learned the Father, Son and Spirit are real and were inviting me into life together. I love that! I can’t imagine my life without them (God and those key people).

    I relish meeting people where they are and helping them get to know Jesus. People have always been intriguing to me. It is delightful to learn about their family, their work, their hobbies, their hopes, their fears. I see all of those as pathways to knowing Christ, because he is at work in all those places.

    I received my Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Denver Seminary and was ordained in the EPC in 2011. After serving a church in Colorado for 15 years in youth, family, and executive leadership; we moved to Longview in 2014 in answer to my call to serve as Pastor of Longview EPC. That means I preach regularly, disciple others, oversee the staff team, work with various committees and, along with our Elders, lead in fulfilling our mission of knowing Christ and making him known. My role takes me into hospital rooms and restaurants, coffee shops and living rooms, school cafeterias and nursing homes around Longview. I like it that way.

    I’ve been married to my beautiful wife, Julie Lynn, for 27 years and we have two college-age sons, Landon and Kyle. Together, we love road-tripping. Personally, a good book, an interesting golf course, a close game, or a building project all sound great. Mowing my lawn is also enjoyable for me, but don’t tell my sons.

Rev. Dr. Shelley Kral, Associate Pastor

  • I was taught about Jesus from a very early age but didn’t grow up in church. It was in college that I began to center my life around Jesus, engage in a church community, and figure out what it looks like to love God and others well. All things into which I'm still trying to live more faithfully - praise God for his grace and patience, amen?!

    I see myself as a continual learner and explainer whose call is to think a lot about God and about people; and converse with whoever wants to do so on the intersection of the two. (That helps explain why all the graduate degrees - I kept returning to school, not because I'm all that smart, but because I have an insatiable curiosity. Though I do believe that is all behind me and I'm happy to never again take an exam!).

    I was ordained in 2007 and I have been Associate Pastor of Longview EPC since its inception in 2012. My primary responsibility is to oversee and engage in the theological instruction of our faith family.

    I’ve been married to Jon for over 30 years. We have two fabulous children, Jonah and Jenelle, who are married to two amazing people, Courtney and Stephen. They all say they now rank below our Golden Retriever, Loki, in Jon’s and my affection – and they aren’t completely wrong.

Rev. Jason Hubbard, Youth Pastor

  • I fell in love with Jesus when I was five years old through a bus and puppet ministry of a local church. I am grateful to the men and women that took the time and energy to reach out to a hurting family to show the love of Christ. My faith grew stronger in college. While in college, God placed a call on my life for youth ministry. I long for youth to have a deep relationship with Christ before they leave their homes. I continue to pray that God will do a great work in me and through me for His kingdom.

    I have been married to my beautiful bride Jenny for over 20 years. We have three wonderful boys that keep us very busy and on our toes. I am blessed with a family that loves Jesus and ministers with me. We worship together, play together, and train together. We love doing martial arts.

    I was ordained as an Assistant Pastor of Longview EPC in 2022. My primary responsibilities are to serve the youth and families of our faith family.

David Luna, Music Director

  • My faith journey in Christ began at the age of 16 when I lived in Paducah, Kentucky. Following in the footsteps of my career musician father, I became a professional musician as the Lord called me to serve him through church music.

    Since 1994, I've served as a music and worship leader, directing and conducting a wide range of church music ensembles as well as using my gifts of music composition and arrangement to enrich music in a worship setting. In addition to church music ministry duties here at Longview EPC, I am involved with several local community music organizations.

    Besides music, I author and illustrate a one-panel weekly devotional comic for the Kilgore News Herald. I also have a passion for missions work in Latin-American countries and am grateful to have served as a translator in Guatemala for youth and adult mission trips.

    Ellen and I have been married for 25 years and we have two children, Josh and Katie, who are both grown and live in other parts of the state.

Jenny Hubbard, Children's Director

  • I grew up in a home where both my parents loved Jesus. They wanted nothing more than for their children to also love Jesus and made many sacrifices to send us to a Christian school. It was through a chapel at that Christian school that I first realized Jesus was calling me to Himself.

    I have always loved children and dreamed from a young age of being a teacher. I always imagined I would teach in a Christian school similar to the one I attended. However, God had different plans and I had the privilege of teaching in a public school for five years before we had our own children. I was blessed to be able to stay home with my older boys and volunteer in children’s ministry at the church. After several years, I finally felt ready to use my teaching background again as the Children’s Director.

    Jason and I have been married for over 20 years. We have three wonderful boys who keep us on our toes daily.

Marshall Gray, Youth Intern

Alyssa Campbell, Worship Leader Intern

Bertu Van Zyl, Audio/Visual Tech

Suzi White, Church Administrator

  • My faith journey has been long and is still continuing. I was raised in church and have been a Presbyterian since 1987, yet I realized I didn’t truly “know” God and his grace and forgiveness until about 2000 when I began spending time in Bible study through Bible Study Fellowship and I attended a spiritual retreat called Cursillo.

    My BBA is from UT-Austin and I’ve been blessed to work in church administration since 1985. My first church job was made possible simply due to the fact that I knew what to do with their PC. It had a10 megabyte hard drive and big floppy discs - we’ve come a long way in the tech department!! Even though my job focuses on details, databases, and budgets, it also gives me the opportunity to learn more about relationships with co-workers, members and even my own family.

    Wil and I have been married for 46 years. Our two children are married and live in the DFW area. My favorite pastimes include family gatherings, and watching our grandchildren sing in church, play soccer, softball, volleyball, & learn Tai Kwan Do.

Nikki Phillips, Administrative Assistant

Marti Samples, Front Office Administrative Assistant

  • I have been serving at Longview EPC since 2018. This whole time it has been a blessing and a joy. I love interacting with the staff, the church members - everyone. So feel free to drop by the office and say “hi” anytime.