Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of Longview EPC exists to foster our community’s corporate worship of the God who calls us to sing and make music to him with one another (Ephesians 5:19). The style in which we do this is “blended”, meaning our musical worship consists of both praise songs and traditional hymns; a praise band as well as, on selected dates and occasions, a choir or ensembles.
This blended style (which describes the whole worship service, not just the musical elements) helps us remember there is no one, perfect, way to worship. Every human musical expression offered as a gift of praise and honor to the Triune is filtered through Jesus Christ and so pleases God (Hebrews 12:2, 13:15). Furthermore, as we graciously allow for other’s musical preferences to exist alongside our own, we grow in our ability to love and value one another in very practical ways (John 13:35).
Praise Team
This volunteer team is made up of those with skill in playing instruments and singing. The team rehearses Wednesday evenings. If you enjoy playing guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, or even band and orchestra instruments such as flute, clarinet or violin, it would be great to have you share your talents through our music ministry.
Chancel Choir
This volunteer ensemble rehearses on Wednesday evenings for about an hour. Enrollment is always open as we are always looking to add to our existing membership. No previous choral experience is required - our choir is open to anyone who enjoys singing, can match pitch, and has a heart for leading others in worship through music. Regular attendance and dedication to learning the craft of choral singing is valued.
Please contact David Luna with if you are interested or have a question.
David Luna, Music Director

